In medicine, an elixir is a healing potion that improves the wellbeing of anyone and everyone who consumes it. They take a sick situation and make it healthy. Antibiotics, vaccines, restorative surgeries, even Botox is a medical elixir. In the Hero’s Journey, the elixir is less concrete than in medicine, but the same vibe — the healing vibe, and the “some for everyone” vibe — obtains. Elixirs take a broken world and make it right. 

This means that the Elixir found at a story’s end always exists in a dynamic relationship with something the story began with: a loss, an injustice, a brokenness, a sickness of the world. If the Hero does not begin in a broken world — in which he has been orphaned like Harry Potter, or enslaved like Neo, or oppressed like Katniss, or depressed like Jimmy Stewart — then the Elixir they return home with at the end will be meaningless. Medicine is useless to someone who isn’t sick, which is why we don’t take a daily antibiotic. 

In the Hero's Journey, the Elixir is the “true treasure” that the hero brings back from their adventure to share with their community to the benefit of all. It is seldom what has consciously motivated their journey, because it is in the nature of a true elixir that it cannot be comprehended at the start of the journey, as its recognition depends on emotional and psychological growth that the hero has not yet undergone. Thus the Hero has usually consciously sought out something more concrete and limited during the quest (like a Holy Grail) and only “stumbled upon” or “slowly realized” the Elixir at the end. In this way the Elixir is wrapped up in, and symbolic of, the transformative power of the hero's journey as a journey and process; it represents the wisdom or knowledge gained through — and only through! — their trials and tribulations. 

Some examples of famous elixirs

  1. Star Wars: Luke Skywalker's mastery of the Force and the knowledge to defeat the Empire is the Elixir he returns with to restore freedom to the galaxy. Note that his light saber is not the elixir, nor is the destruction of the Death Star. It is mastery of the force.
  2. Harry Potter: Harry's ability to finally defeat Voldemort is the Elixir he brings back, allowing peace to return to the wizarding world. Note that it is not his wand or any other physical thing, nor is it Voldemort’s death. It is his ability to defeat Voldemort. 
  3. The Matrix: Neo's realization of his power as "The One" and his ability to free humanity from the Matrix is the transformative Elixir.
  4. The Wizard of Oz: The ruby slippers, an external manifestation of Dorothy's self-acceptance and the realization that she has control and power (the ability to go home) rather than the terrifying lack of power (being caught in a tornado) with which her journey began.
  5. The Hunger Games: Katniss's role in sparking the rebellion and defying the Capitol represents the Elixir of hope and freedom for the oppressed districts.

At the end of a hero’s journey two things should happen with the elixir:

  1. Personal correction: the elixir should lead to a “paradigm shift” in the hero’s thinking that allows them to easily and effortless correct something that was broken. A simple loving hug of a former enemy, a kiss of a girl who had been kept at bay, the acceptance of a past event they have tried to go “back in time” to fix are all made possibly by a psychological shift in the way the hero conceives of, and addresses, the central injury or illness or injustice of their life. 

The Elixir is not the driving motive force of a journey

The Elixir does not play a direct role in motivating the hero's initial quest, and if the Elixir were described to the hero at the start they would often react with bland bewilderment. The hero is typically unaware of the true value or significance of the Elixir at the beginning of their journey. What they know is, rather, the opposite of the Elixir: they know the sick, broken, unjust, oppressive world that the Elixir will, at the story’s end, transform. And their aspirations will be much lower at the start of the journey; correcting their broken world will seem impossible to them at the journey’s start. 

In the same way that a second grader cannot comprehend calculus, or a six  year old cannot comprehend romantic love, or a non-believer cannot comprehend religious belief, the hero at the start of a journey cannot comprehend the Elixir. It is magical, indescribable, even a myth or a rumor, rather than a concrete and straightforward part of his life. The Elixir is the ultimate payoff for a journey or transformative wisdom the hero gains through their arduous journey and trials. It symbolizes the positive impact the hero can have on their community or the world at large upon their return. However, the hero's motivations for embarking on the quest initially stem from other factors:

  1. The Call to Adventure : The hero is prompted to leave their ordinary world, often by some disturbance or threat that disrupts the status quo. Their initial motivation is to resolve this inciting incident.
  2. Achieving a Tangible Goal : The hero may be motivated by a specific goal or mission, such as retrieving a treasure, defeating a villain, or restoring balance to their world. The Elixir is not the driving force behind this initial quest.
  3. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery : Many heroes embark on their journeys seeking self-discovery, to overcome personal flaws or limitations, or to find their true purpose. The Elixir is the culmination of this growth, but not the initial motivator.
  4. Obligation or Destiny : Some heroes feel compelled to answer the call due to a sense of duty, destiny or their role in society, without full awareness of the profound rewards awaiting them.

The Elixir's true value and significance is often only realized by the hero over the course of their journey, as they face challenges, gain wisdom, and undergo a transformative experience. While the Elixir may not motivate the quest's beginning, it becomes the ultimate prize - the healing force or self-actualization the hero can bring back to their community upon their return as a result of their odyssey.

So in most cases, the hero is not consciously aware of the Elixir's importance at the outset. Their motivations stem from more immediate needs or callings, with the Elixir emerging as the transcendent reward for persevering through their trials.

The Elixir is crucial to the return

The Elixir plays a crucial role in the hero's return journey in the Hero's Journey framework. It represents the ultimate reward or transformative wisdom the hero has gained through their arduous quest, and it influences their return in several ways:

  1. Motivation for the return: The Elixir serves as the hero's motivation to return to their ordinary world. Having acquired this precious treasure, knowledge, or self-realization, the hero is now driven to share it with their community and bring about positive change.
  2. Overcoming obstacles: The Elixir, whether a physical object or inner wisdom, aids the hero in overcoming any remaining obstacles or challenges they face on the road back to their ordinary world. It empowers them to confront and overcome these final hurdles.
  3. Symbolic transformation: The Elixir symbolizes the hero's personal transformation and growth throughout their journey. It represents the culmination of their trials, sacrifices, and the lessons they have learned. Returning with the Elixir signifies that the hero has undergone a profound inner change.
  4. Restoring balance: The Elixir often represents the means to restore balance, heal wounds, or right wrongs in the hero's ordinary world. By bringing back this transformative treasure, the hero can share its benefits with their community, thereby fulfilling their ultimate purpose.
  5. Closure and resolution: The return with the Elixir provides closure and resolution to the hero's journey. It marks the completion of their quest, the achievement of their goal, and the integration of their newfound wisdom or power into their ordinary life.

In essence, the Elixir is the embodiment of the hero's triumph and the catalyst for their return journey. It not only motivates and empowers the hero but also represents the positive impact they can have on their community by sharing the transformative rewards of their journey.

The Elixir is sometimes confused with the Reward in the Hero's Journey. Of the two, the Elixir is far more fundamental to the story's structure, as it is the motivating item or experience that is driving the Hero forward in his or her quest. For example, in the legend of King Arthur, the Holy Grail is the Elixir, while the Reward is the party that everyone would have if the Grail were ever found. Take a wild guess which was more resonant for the story's listeners.

The Reward is a specific stage that comes after the Ordeal, where the hero achieves a major victory or gain after facing their greatest challenge or ordeal. It represents the tangible or intangible prize the hero has earned through their trials, such as:

  • A physical object like a weapon, treasure, or magical item (Arthur’s Holy Grail, Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers, Humphrey Bogart’s Maltese Falcon)
  • Special knowledge or insight gained
  • Reconciliation with another character or themselves

The Reward is a celebratory moment and provides the hero with renewed motivation and tools to complete the rest of their journey.

The Elixir, on the other hand, is the final treasure or transformative wisdom the hero brings back to share with their community at the end of their journey. It symbolizes the ultimate prize or life-changing experience the hero has gained through their odyssey.While the Reward is a specific gain along the way, the Elixir is the culmination of all the hero has learned and achieved. It represents the hero's growth, self-discovery, and the positive impact they can now have on others. The Elixir can take various forms:

  • A literal potion, treasure, or magical item
  • Wisdom, love, or self-acceptance
  • The experience itself of surviving the journey

So in essence, the Reward is a specific prize or boon earned midway through the journey, while the Elixir is the ultimate, transcendent reward the hero returns with at the end to share with and enrich their world.

Elixir and Personal Growth

The Elixir plays a pivotal role in the hero's personal growth and transformation throughout the Hero's Journey. It represents the ultimate reward or wisdom gained from the arduous journey, symbolizing the hero's inner evolution. Here are some key ways the Elixir contributes to the hero's personal growth:

  1. Self-realization and wisdom: The Elixir often takes the form of profound self-realization, wisdom or a deeper understanding of life that the hero has attained through their trials and challenges. This newfound wisdom represents the hero's personal growth and the lessons they have internalized from their journey.
  2. Overcoming fears and flaws: By acquiring the Elixir, the hero has conquered their greatest fears, flaws or inner demons that previously held them back. This triumph signifies immense personal growth, as the hero has transcended their limitations and emerged as a stronger, more resilient individual.
  3. Embracing one's true potential: The Elixir can symbolize the hero finally embracing their true potential, purpose or destiny that was previously unrealized. Returning with this transformative reward indicates the hero's growth into the person they were meant to become.
  4. Gaining new perspectives: The journey to obtain the Elixir exposes the hero to new worlds, cultures and experiences that broaden their perspectives and worldview. This expanded awareness contributes significantly to their personal evolution.
  5. Achieving balance and wholeness: By the end of the journey, the Elixir represents the hero achieving a sense of inner balance, wholeness and integration of the disparate parts of themselves. This psychological integration is a hallmark of profound personal growth.

In essence, the Elixir encapsulates the totality of the hero's transformative experience - the wisdom gained, fears conquered, potential realized and balance achieved. It is the embodiment of the hero's personal growth journey and the culmination of their evolution into a more self-actualized human being

Effect of Elixir on Wider Community

The Elixir doesn’t only change the Hero. It also changes the lives of those around him, and in particular, his family, friends, and neighbors. Thus when the Hero returns home with the Elixir, his community is not only happy for him — they are typically happy for themselves. The Elixir, the ultimate reward or transformative wisdom the hero gains through their journey, has a profound impact on the hero's relationships with their community upon their return. Here are some key ways the Elixir influences those relationships:

  1. Restoring balance and healing wounds: The Elixir often represents the means to restore balance, heal wounds, or right wrongs in the hero's community. By bringing back this transformative treasure or knowledge, the hero can share its benefits to mend rifts, resolve conflicts, and bring healing to their world. This strengthens the hero's bonds with their community.
  2. Sharing wisdom and growth: The Elixir symbolizes the wisdom, self-realization, and personal growth the hero has attained. Returning with the Elixir allows the hero to impart these profound lessons to their community, deepening their relationships through shared understanding and mentorship.
  3. Inspiring hope and change: The Elixir often represents hope, freedom, or a renewed sense of purpose. The hero's return with this powerful Elixir can inspire and uplift their community, strengthening their relationships through a shared vision for positive change.
  4. Fulfilling a greater purpose: By acquiring the Elixir, the hero fulfills their ultimate purpose of bringing redemption and blessings to their community. This achievement solidifies the hero's role and strengthens their connection to those they have fought to protect.
  5. Achieving closure and resolution: The return with the Elixir provides closure and resolution to the hero's journey, allowing them to reintegrate into their community with a renewed sense of belonging and purpose. This resolution strengthens the hero's ties to their world.

In essence, the Elixir represents the culmination of the hero's transformation and the positive impact they can now have on their community. By sharing this precious reward, the hero deepens their relationships, inspires hope, and solidifies their role as a force for good in their world.