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Our Services

Welcome to our comprehensive list of Slothzero services! We know this is quite a lengthy document, and we appreciate your interest in understanding our offerings in depth. While it may seem overwhelming at first glance, we encourage you to take your time with this information. Reading through this list will give you a thorough understanding of how our service works as a whole and how we can support you in overcoming procrastination and boosting your productivity.

Feel free to approach this document in whatever way works best for you. You might want to read it all in one sitting to get a complete overview, or you might prefer to digest it in smaller chunks, focusing on the services that interest you most. You can always come back to it later to explore other aspects of our offerings.

We've tried to provide detailed explanations of each service to give you a clear picture of what you can expect when working with us. If you have any questions about specific services or how they might apply to your situation, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!

Now, let's dive into the world of Slothzero services. We hope you'll find the solution you've been looking for to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

1-on-1 Coaching 

At the heart of Slothzero's service is our personalized 1-on-1 coaching. This core offering provides the consistent support and accountability crucial for overcoming procrastination and achieving your goals. Our coaches are trained to provide a non-judgmental, empathetic environment that helps you overcome feelings of shame or inadequacy often associated with procrastination. We understand that procrastination is a complex behavior often rooted in emotional and psychological factors, not laziness or lack of willpower. Your coach will help you recognize and challenge negative self-talk, develop self-compassion, and reframe setbacks as learning opportunities. This supportive approach creates a safe space for you to explore your procrastination tendencies without fear of judgment, allowing for more honest reflection and more effective problem-solving. Here's what you can expect:

Regular Weekly Sessions: At a minimum, you'll have a weekly appointment with your dedicated coach. This regular "drumbeat" keeps you relentlessly focused on your goals and serves as a catchall where personal conversation surfaces issues, tasks, and objectives that might otherwise be overlooked.

Flexible Scheduling: We understand that needs vary. Some clients benefit from daily 20-minute check-ins to ensure nothing is missed, while others find a weekly session sufficient. You can flexibly adjust the frequency and duration of sessions week to week based on your changing needs and schedule.

Habit Formation: These regular sessions are key to forming the productivity habits necessary for long-term success. Your coach will work with you to develop and reinforce positive routines, gradually building your capacity to tackle challenges and achieve your goals.

Personalized Approach: Your coach will tailor their approach to your unique procrastination profile, motivational style, and specific goals. They'll help you break down large objectives into manageable tasks, set realistic deadlines, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.

Accountability and Support: Your coach serves as your accountability partner, offering encouragement, constructive feedback, and gentle nudging when needed. They'll celebrate your successes and help you learn from setbacks.

Comprehensive Check-ins: During each session, you'll review progress on your goals, discuss any challenges you've faced, and plan for the upcoming week. This regular review process ensures you stay on track and allows for timely adjustments to your strategies.

Skill Building: Your coach will help you develop crucial skills for productivity and self-management, such as time management, prioritization, and decision-making. They'll introduce you to effective techniques and tools, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Motivation Boosting: When motivation wanes, your coach is there to help you reconnect with your core values and long-term objectives. They'll help you navigate periods of low energy or enthusiasm, ensuring you maintain momentum towards your goals.

Integration with Other Services: Your 1-on-1 coaching sessions serve as a hub for coordinating other Slothzero services. Whether it's reviewing tasks completed by our personal assistance service, discussing insights from workshops, or planning for upcoming study halls, your coach ensures all aspects of your Slothzero experience work together seamlessly.

Continuous Assessment and Adjustment: As you progress, your coach will help you assess what's working and what isn't, making data-driven adjustments to your productivity strategies. This ongoing refinement ensures that your approach evolves as you grow and your circumstances change.

Unlimited Free Texting: To complement your scheduled sessions, we offer unlimited free texting with your coach. This allows for continuous communication throughout the day. If you remember a task that needs to be added to your list, have a sudden insight, or encounter an unexpected challenge, you can text your coach immediately. This real-time communication ensures that no important details are lost between sessions and allows your coach to be fully prepared for your next meeting, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your coaching experience.

These 1-on-1 coaching sessions form the backbone of your Slothzero experience, providing the consistent support, accountability, and personalized guidance needed to transform your productivity habits and achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve your academic performance, or simply get more done in your daily life, our 1-on-1 coaching is designed to help you overcome procrastination and unlock your full potential.

Personal Assistance 

Our service goes beyond traditional coaching by offering seamless personal assistance. During or between coaching sessions, you may realize you have tasks that don't necessarily require your personal attention but still need to be done. This is where our personal assistance service comes in.

Your coach can take on these tasks, allowing you to focus on higher-priority activities that genuinely require your expertise or personal touch. Simply inform your coach of the task, and they'll add it to their personal task list, complete it, and update you when your input is needed again.

Examples of tasks we can handle include:

  • Paying bills or managing subscriptions
  • Making travel arrangements (booking flights, hotels, or researching vacation options)
  • Scheduling appointments (doctor, dentist, hair salon, etc.)
  • Making restaurant reservations
  • Online shopping and order management
  • Basic research tasks (e.g., comparing product options, finding service providers)
  • Organizing digital files or emails
  • Setting up and managing online accounts
  • Coordinating home services (cleaning, repairs, deliveries)
  • Managing RSVPs for events

This service allows for a smooth transition from accountability coaching to personal assistance. We bill in 10-minute increments at the same hourly rate as coaching, making the shift between services seamless and cost-effective for you. By offloading these tasks, you can reclaim valuable time and mental energy, reducing overwhelm and enhancing your overall productivity.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive support that adapts to your changing needs, combining the motivational aspects of coaching with the practical benefits of personal assistance.

Calendar Management 

We'll work with you to transform your goals into actionable steps on your calendar. Our coaches help you break down large objectives, schedule tasks effectively, and set realistic deadlines. We'll provide reminders and follow-ups to ensure you're staying on top of your commitments. This service aims to reduce overwhelm and create a clear path to achieving your goals. By visualizing your tasks and commitments on a calendar, you'll gain a better understanding of your time allocation and improve your ability to manage your schedule effectively. Our coaches will also help you identify and eliminate time-wasters, ensuring that your calendar reflects your true priorities and supports your productivity goals.

Study Halls 

Join our daily online or in-person study sessions for a structured environment to tackle your tasks. Each session begins and ends with a brief group check-in, allowing you to state your intentions and report on progress. These communal work periods harness the power of body doubling and social accountability to boost focus and productivity. The presence of others working alongside you, even virtually, can provide motivation and reduce the tendency to procrastinate. Our study halls also offer a sense of community and shared purpose, which can be particularly beneficial for those who feel isolated in their productivity struggles.


When you're struggling to begin a task, your coach can provide a brief, targeted intervention to help you get started. We'll work with you to overcome initial resistance, break down the task into manageable steps, and provide the support you need to build momentum. These kickstart sessions are designed to be short and focused, typically lasting 15-30 minutes, and can be scheduled on short notice when you find yourself stuck. By helping you overcome the initial hurdle of getting started, kickstarts can significantly reduce procrastination and increase your overall productivity.

Goal Clarification, Prioritization, and Chunking: 

At Slothzero, we recognize that effective goal setting and management are fundamental to overcoming procrastination and achieving long-term success. Our coaches spend significant time helping clients clarify their goals across various timeframes long-term, medium-term, and short-term. These might include aspirations like securing a job, earning a good grade, passing a licensing exam, becoming a lawyer, starting a business, or improving physical fitness.

One of our coach's key roles is to keep track of these long-term goals and ensure they don't get lost in the day-to-day shuffle. We understand that procrastinators often struggle with working on smaller, less important tasks while neglecting larger, more significant objectives. That's why we emphasize goal prioritization, helping clients determine what to focus on first, as it's impossible to tackle everything simultaneously.

We also employ a technique called goal chunking, where large, potentially overwhelming goals are systematically broken down into smaller, manageable tasks. These smaller tasks are then organized into a logical sequence that leads to the achievement of the larger goal. For instance, if a client's goal is to write a college paper, we'd break it down into steps like brainstorming topics, researching background information, meeting with the professor for input, writing a first draft, getting feedback, and completing the final draft.

Crucially, we often work backwards from the ultimate deadline, helping clients realize they need to start much sooner than they might have thought. This approach is particularly beneficial for clients with executive functioning challenges, as it provides a clear roadmap and timeline for goal achievement. By combining goal clarification, prioritization, and chunking, we help our clients transform vague aspirations into concrete, actionable plans, significantly increasing their chances of success and reducing the tendency to procrastinate.

Procrastination Profile Assessment

Through a combination of standardized testing and in-depth interviews, we'll help you understand your unique procrastination patterns and motivational drivers. This assessment forms the foundation for a tailored coaching approach that addresses your specific challenges and leverages your strengths. We'll explore factors such as your time perception, risk tolerance, perfectionism tendencies, and preferred work styles. This comprehensive understanding of your procrastination profile allows us to develop highly personalized strategies that are more likely to be effective for you. The insights gained from this assessment will inform all aspects of your Slothzero experience, ensuring that our approach is perfectly aligned with your needs and tendencies.

Habit Formation Support 

We'll guide you through the process of building new, productive habits or breaking unproductive ones. Using evidence-based techniques, we'll help you design habit strategies, track progress, and overcome obstacles to create lasting behavioral change. Our approach is grounded in the latest research on habit formation, including concepts like habit stacking, implementation intentions, and environmental design. We'll work with you to identify keystone habits that can have a ripple effect on other areas of your life, and help you design systems that make good habits easier and bad habits harder. Regular check-ins and adjustments ensure that your new habits stick and evolve as your needs change.

Executive Function Skill Building 

For clients struggling with organization, time management, or decision-making, we offer targeted support to enhance these crucial skills. We'll work with you to develop practical strategies and systems that complement your natural tendencies and improve your overall productivity. This service includes exercises and techniques to strengthen working memory, improve cognitive flexibility, and enhance inhibitory control. We'll also introduce you to tools and technologies that can support executive function, such as specialized apps or organizational systems. As you develop these skills, you'll find it easier to plan, prioritize, and execute tasks effectively, reducing overwhelm and increasing your sense of control over your work and life.

Motivation and Accountability Workshops 

Participate in group sessions focused on understanding and enhancing motivation, building resilience, and creating effective accountability systems. These workshops combine educational content with practical exercises to help you develop a toolkit for long-term productivity success. Topics may include understanding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, overcoming resistance, building self-efficacy, and creating effective reward systems. The group format allows for peer learning and support, providing additional motivation and accountability. You'll leave each workshop with concrete strategies you can immediately apply to your own productivity challenges.

Personalized Productivity Technology Setup 

We'll help you select and configure the right combination of productivity tools and apps for your needs. Our coaches will guide you through setup, teach you how to use these tools effectively, and ensure they integrate seamlessly into your daily routine. This service goes beyond simply recommending apps; we'll work with you to create a personalized digital productivity ecosystem that supports your specific goals and work style. We'll also provide ongoing support to help you optimize your use of these tools and adjust your tech setup as your needs evolve. By leveraging the right technology in the right way, you can significantly enhance your productivity and reduce the cognitive load of managing tasks and information.

Task List Maintenance 

We'll assist you in creating and maintaining an effective to-do list system. Your coach will help you prioritize tasks, break them down into manageable steps, and ensure important items don't fall through the cracks. We'll introduce you to various to-do list methodologies and help you find or create a system that works best for your needs. This might include digital tools, paper-based systems, or a hybrid approach. Regular reviews of your to-do list with your coach will help you stay on top of your commitments, make informed decisions about task priorities, and maintain a clear overview of your responsibilities and goals.

Email Management 

If you struggle with inbox overload, we'll work with you to develop strategies for efficient email processing, helping you achieve and maintain inbox zero. We'll introduce techniques like the 2-minute rule, email batching, and effective folder systems to keep your inbox organized and manageable. Your coach will also help you craft and implement email policies that reduce unnecessary correspondence and protect your focus time. Through regular practice and refinement of these strategies, you'll develop the skills to manage your email efficiently, reducing stress and freeing up more time for important tasks.

Body Doubling 

For tasks you find particularly challenging, your coach can provide virtual company via video call, leveraging the psychological benefits of working alongside someone to enhance focus and motivation. During these sessions, your coach will be present on video, working on their own tasks while you work on yours. This silent companionship can be surprisingly effective at reducing procrastination and maintaining focus. The knowledge that someone else is present and working alongside you, even virtually, can provide the external accountability needed to stay on task. Body doubling sessions can be scheduled as needed, providing flexible support for your most challenging productivity moments.


After completing important tasks or milestones, your coach will conduct a debrief session to help you reflect on your progress, identify lessons learned, and apply insights to future tasks. These structured reflection sessions are crucial for continuous improvement and learning. During a debrief, you'll discuss what went well, what challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. Your coach will help you identify patterns in your work style and develop strategies to leverage your strengths and address your weaknesses. The insights gained from these debriefs will inform your future planning and task execution, helping you become more efficient and effective over time.

Specialized Coaching 

Access coaches with expertise in specific areas such as ADHD, academic performance, career development, or creative projects. These specialized coaches have in-depth knowledge and experience in their particular areas, allowing them to provide targeted strategies and insights. Whether you're a student struggling with academic procrastination, a professional looking to advance your career, or an artist working to complete creative projects, our specialized coaches can provide the specific support you need. They understand the unique challenges in their areas of expertise and can offer tried-and-tested strategies to overcome them.

Community Support 

Join our community of like-minded individuals working to overcome procrastination. Participate in group challenges, share experiences, and find additional motivation through peer support. Our community platforms provide a space for you to connect with others facing similar challenges, share successes and setbacks, and learn from diverse perspectives. Regular community events, such as virtual meetups or themed discussions, offer opportunities for deeper engagement and learning. This sense of community can be a powerful motivator, providing encouragement, accountability, and a reminder that you're not alone in your productivity journey.

Text, Video, Phone: Flexible Communication 

Choose your preferred method of coach interaction, whether it's calls, texts, or video chats, to ensure the support you receive fits seamlessly into your life. We understand that different people have different communication preferences and needs, and we strive to accommodate these to make your coaching experience as comfortable and effective as possible. You can switch between communication methods as needed, perhaps preferring video calls for in-depth strategy sessions and texts for quick check-ins. This flexibility ensures that you can access support in the way that works best for you, increasing the likelihood that you'll reach out when you need help and maintain consistent engagement with your productivity goals.

Progress Tracking 

We'll help you implement systems to monitor your progress over time, celebrating successes and identifying areas for improvement. This might include habit trackers, productivity logs, or visual representations of your goals and achievements. Regular progress reviews with your coach will help you recognize patterns, adjust strategies, and maintain motivation. By objectively tracking your progress, you'll be able to see how far you've come, even when it might not feel like you're making headway. This data-driven approach allows for more informed decision-making about your productivity strategies and provides concrete evidence of your growth and improvement over time.

Mindset Coaching 

Work with your coach to develop a growth mindset, build self-compassion, and cultivate the psychological resilience needed for long-term success. We'll help you identify and challenge limiting beliefs, develop more constructive thought patterns, and build confidence in your ability to overcome challenges. This mindset work is crucial for sustainable productivity improvement, as it addresses the underlying psychological factors that often drive procrastination. Through various exercises and reflective practices, you'll develop a more empowering mindset that supports your productivity goals and enhances your overall well-being.

Free Weekly Online Video Group Classes 

Join our free weekly online video group classes where you can connect with other clients and learn from experts in various fields. These sessions cover a wide range of topics including motivation, organization, and productivity. We also feature specialists in areas such as personal training, cooking, event planning, and more. These classes provide an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge, share experiences with peers, and gain insights from professionals in diverse fields, all while building a sense of community with fellow

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Text & Images © Slothzero, LLC.

Website Design & Programming by Peter Freed
Illustrations by Tess Osborne