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Our Pricing

Read below to learn more about our simple pricing plan, all the services you can pick and choose from, and FAQs about both pricing and services. You may also want to look at our Services page for more detail on what we offer.




Sloth curious? Begin by attending our daily free study halls & weekly free evening classes.

✅  Daily online group study halls
✅  Weekly classes on the causes of procrastination & techniques to overcome it
✅  Weekly newsletter subscription
✅  Meet & collaborate with others with shared interests
✅  Register once, come forever



Accountability coaching & personal assistance, seamlessly integrated to optimize your work output and give you the productivity habits of your dreams.

Everything in "Free" plus:

✅ Goal Setting

✅ Team Chat

✅ Calendar Management

✅ Personal Assistance

✅ Persistence Protocol

✅ Unlimited Text Reminders

✅ Weekly Progress Report

✅ Task tracking & reminders

✅ Kick-Start & Debriefs

✅ Slothzero email

✅ Pics Or It Didn't Happen

✅ Deadline Tracking

✅ Body Doubling

✅ Motivational Style Assessment

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Text & Images © Slothzero, LLC.

Website Design & Programming by Peter Freed
Illustrations by Tess Osborne