Nicole Replogle

I'm Nicole, and I'm thrilled to be part of the Slothzero team as a content writer! My longstanding passion lies in explaining complicated technology in a way that’s easy for everyone to understand. Whether it’s creating engaging internal training courses or writing insightful blog posts for our clients, my goal is to make technology accessible and relatable.

With a background in technology and communication, I excel at breaking down complex concepts into simple, digestible content. I believe that everyone should feel empowered to use technology to enhance their personal and professional lives.

In developing our internal training courses, I focus on providing clear, practical materials that help our coaches stay informed about the latest tools and techniques. I strive to create interactive and engaging learning experiences that foster growth and confidence.

For our client blog, I enjoy crafting articles that demystify various technological topics, offering practical tips and insights that clients can easily apply. My writing style is approachable and informative, ensuring that readers feel supported as they navigate the digital landscape.

At Slothzero, I’m committed to bridging the gap between complex technology and everyday users. I believe that with the right guidance and resources, anyone can harness the power of technology to achieve their goals. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock your potential!

Meet Our Team

Our hiring philosophy is simple: choose "people people" who love helping others reach their goals, are adept at using high-tech productivity software to help clients, and have a zeal for collaboration and teamwork. Plus, we have a soft spot for people who have struggled with ADHD, executive functioning, and procrastination themselves. It makes us better, more empathic, coaches.

This is the slothzero logo!

© 2024 Slothzero, LLC. All rights reserved
Text & Images © Slothzero, LLC.

Website Design & Programming by Peter Freed
Illustrations by Tess Osborne